Welcome home.

Energy is all around and vibrates at different frequencies. Your energetic blueprint is unique and ever changing. Influenced by the people you come in contact with, the lifestyle in which you live and so much more. Some of that influence is within your control while other aspects of energetic influence are beyond your control.

Energy is the guide for all other systems within your being. The vibration down to a cellular level influences the expression of not just you physical health but also your emotional wellbeing. It is that reason alone that I invite you to begin your journey back to self. The self that lives beyond the veil of outwardly appearance with energy as your guide.

Where shall we begin?

There are many pathways to begin exploring your energy whether you are brand new to this whole aspect of your wellbeing or you are deeply versed in energetics. There is a place to start for everyone and in the world of energetics nothing is linear.

Energy Healings

All energy healings performed by me are rooted in the ancient Reiki wisdom and informed through the chakra system. Did you know that energy is not limited in time or space? Meaning reiki can be performed on past experiences, states of being and people spanning generations past, present and future. The energy of the earth is always constant, meaning that we can tap into energy of all living beings with an intentional focus and shift the vibration. There are in person and distance options to choose from but both experiences are performed in the same way.

In person: In person healings are approximately 60 minutes. Prior to all healings you will recieve and intake form to fill out that helps inform me as i curate your healing session. Upon completion we will discuss anything that may have come up for you in your session. all energy healing sessions include an integration email detailing next steps for integrating in the hours and days to follow.

Distance: Distance energy healings are performed by me on specific set aside times throughout the week. Upon my completion of your energy healing you will recieve a voice note detailing what came up in your healing. you also can communicate through this messaging service to ask any questions you may have in the week following your healing. all energy healing sessions include an integration email.


Energetic Intensives

Throughout the year there are a few ways to dive deeper into your energetic exploration. To further your knowledge and become your own healer. To receive email updates on our intensive energy programs please subscribe below.