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Death Doula, Grief Mentor & Reiki Practitioner

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death transition meditation
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This meditation is designed for individuals who may have fear or anxiety surrounding their death and dying or anyone wanting to explore the transition from form to formless. Through this meditation you are safely guided by me through your transition, this may bring up deep-seated emotions, or revelations.

So often in our life, we busy ourselves and do not acknowledge the impermanence of our existence often becoming fearful of our eventual fate. Death or End of Life meditation was created in no way to glamorize death but to acquaint us with the impermanence of life and the eternal nature of the soul.


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Recorded sound baths from the past live full moon sound bath events. Each recording is 50-60 minutes in length. Relax unwind and play from the comfort of wherever you are. Sound is scientifically proven to bring your body into restoration on a cellular level. Once purchased you will have lifetime access to this healing modality.

Click the button below for the full library.


Guided breath work exercises and breath work meditations targeted to calm down the nervous system, bring blocked chakras back into homeostasis and create new neural pathways aimed at calming down the fight or flight response. Think of these meditations as tools in your tool box, to help you move through whatever life throws your way, reference when things feel really hard or simply to practice routinely so that peace, harmony and alignment become part of your existence. Small steps, made huge impact over time

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