Cold Remedies

Being sick is always a drag, but having a handful of tricks and magic up your sleeve can help shorten the span of your sickness so you can get out there and conquer the world. This article is tips, tricks and potions Ive found to be helpful over the last 10 years raising kids and creating magic. As someone who is always eager to learn and constantly seeking the best in healthcare this list will forever be evolving, but for now this is my current go-tos.

Inspired by current state (being laid up on the couch blowing my nose every 5 seconds and feeling as if dying may be a much better option) I thought it would be a good idea to share my go-to remedies. I am a health nut; somewhat obsessed with all things that surround wellness (I would buy the newest cold press masticating juicer over fancy shoes any day). I have come up with my own personal routines for kicking the sick bugs to the curb. Whether it is the flu, cold, allergies, or staying healthy below i’ve broken it down to help you boost your immune system and get off the couch and into the world!

Cold: This seems to be my most frequent cause for being laid out. From intense sinus pressure, sore throats and coughing till my lungs feel like they are going to explode these remedies have helped me time and time again while I nurse myself back to health. -Because lets be real, us moms are the ones nursing the family to health and wellness but when we get sick its every man for himself.

Manuka Honey: It is my all time favorite in sickness and in health. The numbers on the bottle usually measure the UMF levels or K factors. UMF stands for Unique Manuka factor and ensures the quality and purity of the honey. Manuka honey has multiple uses internally and externally. My daughter had a large gash on her leg and I cleaned then filled it with Manuka Honey and it literally healed in 2 days. I use it in tea with my girls as a sweetener and sickness prevention. My go to honey can be purchased here. If you are going to use if for wounds, burns or scrapes I recommend purchasing a medical grade Manuka honey to ensure it won’t cause secondary issues.

Collodial Silver: I use colloidal silver when surrounded by sick kids or adults, when I have been under a lot of stress and my body is exhausted and while sick. I have noticed it is really effective in keeping me from getting sick when i’m on the brink or shortened the length I am sick for. I also use it on cuts and wounds. Make sure you are purchasing from a trusted brand. I love the spray because I just do a few sprays under my tongue but you can also choose the dropper. You can purchase colloidal silver here.

Oil of Oregano: Works wonders killing bacteria. Oregano is an anti-viral, antibacterial and anti fungal. This one in particular can be taking sublingually either mixing into water or dropping directly down your throat. Forewarning it is super strong and will burn if you do it this way so just be aware. I found this oil is great at warding off sickness, such as sore throats and is great at decreasing mucus production. You can also use oregano oil straight for many different issues such as warts, athletes foot and ear infections. When my daughter was younger she had frequent ear infections we would mix 1:1 parts coconut oil and oregano oil and put it into her ears. To purchase Oil of Oregano that I supplement with click here.

Thieves oil from Young Living or Onguard from Doterra: As the oil craze is sweeping the world I am not particular to either company and use both often. I love the Onguard cough drops from Doterra as a preventative measure and also when I am sick. Both Thieves and on guard are great in your water to prevent sickness and also treat it. To purchase go to Young Living or Doterras website or ask a friend as many people are distributors for the companies.

Grape Seed Oil extract: For post nasal drop, excessive mucus production and sinus pressure. I love to use GrapeSeed oil. I Spray a spray into each nostril 3-5 times a day to get a relief. I also bring this with me when traveling on the airplane and spray in my nose quite often to prevent me from getting germs. To purchase click here.

Peppermint Oil: as someone who has suffered from asthma when sick peppermint oil or Breath Easy from Doterra has been essential in helping me to breathe. I place it on my chest, under my nose, at my temples and around my neck. You can also diffuse into a pot of hot water and do your own home steam or put a small drop in your palms and hold up to your face. Its like natures inhaler really and offers me relief more times then not. I use Doterras oil but you can also go on amazon and purchase peppermint oil there.

Dry Brush: I love dry brushing any day but when sick it becomes part of a necessary routine in aiding me back to health. Dry brushing not only sloths off dead skin but also helps promote lymphatic drainage and increase blood circulation. I love to add coconut oil or lavender onto my brush. Getting every part of your body and brushing from the center out helps to get circulate the blood and drain the lymph nodes which is such a relief during sickness. Dry brushes are inexpensive and are great step to implement into your health and wellness routine. to purchase a dry bush click here .

Umcka Elderberry: If taken at the first signs of sickness this supplement will greatly shorten the span of illness and reduce severity of symptoms. To purchase it you can click here.

Diet is so important everyday but especially when we are sick. My Moto has always been eat for health as there are so many foods that can aid your health and wellness. The same goes for sickness, there are multiple foods that can help aid in your healing below are just a few of my food choices when sick. Be sure to stay away from artificial sugar when you are sick as it feeds bacteria and will not aid in your healing. If you are experiencing congestion staying away from dairy will be your best bet as it thickens your mucus secretions making it harder to breathe.

Cup of tea- I enjoy a hot cup of tea multiple times throughout the day. My favorites for sickness are; turmeric honey, peppermint or some antioxidant blend. I avoid caffeine since sleeping is crucial to getting better and usually add Manuka honey into my cup when feeling sick. Turmeric ginger ,Peppermint, Antioxidant blend.

Eating foods that aid in your healing are also really crucial. My diet while sick with the cold are usually liquids. From spicy soups to drinking lots of water and juices made with pineapple; I try and feed my body things that will help it get better.

Pineapple contains Bromelain and is excellent in breaking up mucus and soothing inflammation in the throat caused my sickness, allergies and asthma. To make my favorite juice follow recipe below:

Cold Kicker

Juice one whole pineapple

2-3 oranges

Lots of ginger

add a splash of coconut water


Stay tuned for future post on remedies and magic potions we use daily for health and wellness.


Chloe Pestana