I have always envisioned creating a space for girls to come together and support, encourage and collaborate with one another. To create a shift in perception of the roles girls play in the world, in their environments and the types of relationships that should be encouraged based on individuality rather than comparison. It was a lovely eye opening experience for me and really highlighted the need young girls pose throughout childhood in order to be free from the misconceptions so many are raised to believe to be true. This weekend was created to celebrate each girls uniqueness, individuality, talents and inner beauty!

This past Fall I offered a week camp from 8am- 12pm that did just that. We vision boarded, teamed up in small groups to learn about one another and our passions strengths etc. We talked about our fears and opened up to one another helping us develop compassion and understanding for one another. We made haku leis for our heads, strung beads to make intention bracelets for a friend and crafted our own glitter oils to comfort us when we felt nervous, afraid or just needed an extra boost of confidence. My hope in doing this is to shift the perceptions and misguidance females as a whole have had for generations with one another. I truly believe together we are not only stronger but have more to offer to humanity. When we celebrate each others strengths rather than weaknesses and collaborate rather than compete who’s to say what the future holds!